Frequently Asked Questions
For each event at Pella Opera House, guests with the need for mobility assistance may be dropped off in front of the Opera House on Franklin Street. The curb at the corner of E. 1st Street and Franklin is handicapped accessible. The front of the theatre is not.
Please let us know if you would like a wheelchair escort while visiting Pella Opera House. We do have eight designated wheel chair seats in our theatre. When purchasing tickets, please let us know if you will be needing those seats so we can make sure you get the proper accommodations. If you have any questions, please contact the Opera House at (641) 628-8625.
Age Restrictions
All guests, regardless of age, must have a ticket. With the exception of certain children’s productions, infants and children under the age of 5 are not recommended in the theatre. If you have any questions, please contact the Opera House Box Office at (641) 628-8625.
Guests must be 21 years of age to purchase alcoholic beverages. Guests are not permitted to bring alcohol into our Historic Theatre without an approved Pella Opera House beverage container.
No alcohol is permitted to leave the facility. Alcohol cut off times vary by event. You may inquire at the concession stand upon your arrival.
Pella Opera House does not have the ability to page guests during events.
Audience Courtesy
If any guest(s) should disturb you, please contact the nearest usher to describe your problem.
Audio & Visual Recording Devices
Audio and video are allowed on certain productions. Each production is subject to change of policy.
Box Office Hours
Doors open 30 minutes prior to a production. Anyone wishing to purchase tickets for Pella Opera House productions may do so during normal Box Office hours—Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Cash, Visa, MasterCard and Discover are accepted. We do not accept American Express. Checks are accepted and may be made out to Pella Opera House.
Cell Phones
Cellular phones are allowed into Pella Opera House. We do ask that each guest respect the event experience of fellow guests and turn off all cellular phones during the performance.
Camera Policy
Camera policies vary by event and are determined solely at the discretion of the show and are subject to change. Unauthorized or prohibited photography of an event may result in film or videotape being confiscated by show representatives. Each show owns the rights to performances and images of their production. In all cases, the resale of photography or video is strictly prohibited.
Emergency Contact Information
Pella Opera House has the ability to look up a guest’s seat location but not to make guest announcements. The best way to reach a guest during an event is by contacting them directly via the guest’s cellular phone.
In an emergency, you may contact the Box Office at (641) 628-8625 with the guest’s name and seat location. An usher will be immediately dispatched to deliver the message to the guest.
Inclement Weather Policy
Pella Opera House rarely cancels or postpones events due to inclement weather. Please be advised that tickets for all events are sold on a non-refundable basis. This stipulation is clearly marked on each ticket. Should a decision be made to cancel or postpone an event, this information will be posted as soon as it is determined.
Lost and Found Items
All found/lost items are turned into the Box Office located on the first floor at the main entrance. Guests may inquire about items at any time during an event and have their item and contact information logged in for easier retrieval when found.
After an event, guests may call the Opera House at (641) 628-8625. All found items are held for 30 days. Any items still on property after 30 days are donated to local charity organizations.
Smoking Policy
Pella Opera House is a smoke-free facility. Guests may not smoke inside the facility or within fifteen feet of any entrance/exit. Guests wishing to smoke may exit and re-enter the building at the main entrance. Smokeless electronic cigarettes and similar devices are also prohibited from use inside Pella Opera House.
No loitering, trespassing, soliciting, peddling, resale of tickets, resale of merchandise or other items is permitted on Pella Opera House property.
Pella Opera House offers self-guided building tours Monday through Saturday. Tours are free to individuals who would like a self-guided tour. To inquire about guided tours and organ demonstrations, please call (641) 628-8625.